My name is Ramona Gudelska and, dating back to childhood, I can be best described as a tennis aficionado, thanks to Serena Williams. I was seven years old when I first witnessed this champion, and I yearned to play tennis ever since. It took three years before I got my first racket and two more years before I began tennis lessons. But even after prolonged waiting, my desire to play was fiery, burning like coal amid frosty winter.
I practiced everywhere: on the courts, against the wall of my building, and even in the apartment itself – I did apologize to my neighbors! But hey, I was simply following the well-known advice: “Practice, practice, practice”. Since then, I have directed my continuous practice toward mastery by recognizing opportunity, creating community, and withstanding adversity, all of which further fueled my passion. These three skills have shaped my game and my life.
Outside of the tennis court, I put these skills into practice during my most challenging moment: my solo journey to the United States as a sixteen-year-old. Coming from Poland without knowing anyone was frightening. Navigating a new environment without speaking the language was frustrating. And going through high school without financial support was daunting. The skills I have learned through tennis proved essential during those times, and now with two graduate degrees, I won!
A decade later, I still celebrate my assimilation in a new country by playing tennis — because if not for tennis, where would I be?